I remember, at least I think I do : An investigation into emotional memories and our perception of them over time
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Entertainment and emotions play a large part in the area of education and learning, however there is a lack of understanding in both the implementation of game-based learning and how this information changes over time. Furthermore, there is lack of tools in investigating emotional memories, as many traditional methods focus on immediate feedback which is not appropriate for repeated long-term evaluation. This thesis performs an indepth investigation into emotional memories, identifying and understanding them as well as insight into designing and utilizing games and entertainment as a means of learning. The result of this work can be allocated into three primary categories. i) Designing games for play-learners ii) Identifying memorable information using new and existing methods iii) Understanding emotional memories, how we view, what we recall, and the details we remember with respect to time. The results of this work contribute to the areas of games user research, psychology, memory, digital game-based learning, aiming to improve our understanding of memory, what types of events we are likely to remember accurately and the way our emotions influence it as time passes by.
Memory, Sensory emotional design, Emotions, Games user research, Education