Healthcare providers perspectives of cognitive rehabilitation in the Central East Local Health Integration Network (LHIN)

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Aim: Explore healthcare practitioners’ capacity within the Central East LHIN to implement cognitive rehabilitation programs to those with dementia. Methods: This study is designed as a multi-stage qualitative interpretive study utilizing thematic analysis with a maximum variation sampling design. Results: Five integrated themes were developed over the course of the qualitative data. These themes included: 1. overcoming system challenges in cognitive rehabilitation, 2. debate between standardization and individualization, 3. paradigm shift from treatment to primary prevention, 4. raising awareness through accessible education and services, and 5. continuity and care coordination. Conclusion: Healthcare providers do not have the capacity to implement cognitive rehabilitation across the Central East LHIN. This study adds to the growing knowledge base of cognitive rehabilitation and will allow for improved dementia capacity planning utilizing healthcare workers unique perspectives and insights.
Cognitive rehabilitation, Dementia, Capacity planning, Healthcare providers