Dogra, ShilpaJenkins, Michael2022-01-172022-03-292022-01-172022-03-292021-12-01 electric bicycles (pedelecs) have been found to elicit moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA) in younger adults, however, it is unknown if pedelec riding elicits MVPA in older adults or if loading the pedelec changes the level of e-assist used, and thus the intensity of the activity completed. Participants (n=21, mean age 70.1 ± 5.1) completed a maximal exercise test followed by two 6.25km outdoor pedelec rides at a self-selected comfortable pace, once with 20kg of load added and once without, in random order. Nearly all participants (19/21) achieved a mean intensity of MVPA. Mean intensity from unloaded and loaded rides was 76% HRmax and 75% HRmax, respectively. No differences were observed when comparing HRavg, HRpeak, POavg or POpeak between unloaded and loaded pedelec rides. Older adults self-select at least MVPA while riding pedelecs on a closed course. The added load did not change the intensity of pedelec riding.enAgingPhysical activityE-bike(s)Pedelec(s)Exercise intensityPhysiological responses to pedal-assist e-bike use in older adultsThesis