Aruliah, DhavideTakeva-Velkova, Viliyana2010-10-132022-03-292010-10-132022-03-292010-06-01 Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an essential instrument in clinical diag- nosis; however, it is burdened by a slow data acquisition process due to physical limitations. Compressive Sensing (CS) is a recently developed mathematical framework that o ers signi cant bene ts in MRI image speed by reducing the amount of acquired data without degrading the image quality. The process of image reconstruction involves solving a nonlinear constrained optimization problem. The reduction of reconstruction time in MRI is of signi cant bene t. We reformulate sparse MRI reconstruction as a Second Order Cone Program (SOCP).We also explore two alternative techniques to solving the SOCP prob- lem directly: NESTA and speci cally designed SOCP-LB.enCompressive sensingSparse MRIConvex optimizationOptimization algorithms in compressive sensing (CS) sparse magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)Thesis