Abou Ziki, JanaBassyouni, Zahraa Hassan2024-02-272024-02-272023-12-01https://hdl.handle.net/10155/1745Spark Assisted Chemical Engraving is a hybrid micromachining method capable of machining micro-holes and micro-channels on non-conductive substrates. This thesis centers around the design of a mechatronics system for precision manufacturing using SACE technology. The setup consists of a machining head and a processing cell. The electronics of the system are implemented on printed circuit boards and embodied in a well-ventilated box that connects the different components of the system. A current probe adapter that enables the reading of the current signal is designed. The system is modeled and controlled, and a force sensor that can detect machining forces is developed. A force-feedback drilling technique is implemented, where the machining continues with minimal contact forces (less than 200 mN). A preliminary study on characterizing the surface quality of machined holes was conducted, and a model that can characterize the surface texture of machined holes is developed.enSACEECDMMicro-machiningForce-feedbackTextureThe design and development of a Spark Assisted Chemical Engraving system with force feedback controlThesis