Shahbazpanahi, ShahramVahidnia, Reza2014-05-202022-03-292014-05-202022-03-292014-02-01 consider an asynchronous bi-directional relay network, consisting of two singleantenna transceivers and multiple single-antenna relays, where the transceiver-relay paths are subject to different relaying and/or propagation delays. Such a network can be viewed as a multipath channel which can cause inter-symbol-interference (ISI) in the signals received by the two transceivers. Hence, we model such a communication scheme as a frequency selective multipath channel which produces ISI at the two transceivers, when the data rates are relatively high. We study both multi- and single-carrier communication schemes in such networks. In a multi-carrier communication scheme, to tackle ISI, the transceivers employ an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) scheme to diagonalize the end-to-end channel. The relays use simple amplify-and-forward relaying, thereby materializing a distributed beamformer. For such a scheme, we propose two different algorithms, based on the max-min fair design approach, to calculate the subcarrier power loading at the transceivers as well as the relay beamforming weights. In a single-carrier communication, assuming a block transmission/reception scheme, block channel equalization is used at the both transceivers to combat the inter-blockinterference (IBI). Assuming a limited total transmit power budget, we minimize the total mean squared error (MSE) of the estimated received signals at the both transceivers by optimally obtaining the transceivers’ powers and the relay beamforming weight vector as well as the block channel equalizers at the two transceivers.enCooperative wireless communicationsTwo-way relay networksAsynchronous bi-directional relay-assisted communication networksDissertation