Waller, EdwardGelautz, Paul David2021-10-012022-03-252021-10-012022-03-252021-08-01https://hdl.handle.net/10155/1341Prompt decision making and implementation of protective actions in the event of a nuclear or radiological emergency require detailed preparations and training. Computer models provide an avenue to simulate the presence of radioactive sources and/or releases of radioactive material safely, but the calculations involved can be complex and time- consuming. Increasing computer processing power and advanced coding techniques allow for complex simulations to be performed in real time while maintaining a level of performance suitable for modern interactive applications. A real-time dispersion model with simulation time scaling has been developed that provides a platform for creating training scenarios for the emergency response decision making process for radiological and nuclear emergencies. This research explores the development of this Gaussian puff model capable of calculating high-resolution radionuclide deposition maps and is demonstrated in an interactive training application.enAtmospheric dispersionEmergency preparedness and responseModellingTrainingUnityDevelopment and demonstration of a high-performance Gaussian puff model for nuclear emergency training scenarios in unity game engineThesis