Chang, Meng-WeiCollins, Christopher2021-06-022022-03-292021-06-022022-03-292013-03M. Chang and C. Collins, "Exploring entities in text with descriptive non-photorealistic rendering," 2013 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 2013, pp. 9-16, doi: 10.1109/PacificVis.2013.6596122.978-1-4673-4797-62165-87652165-8773 present a novel approach to text visualization called descriptive non-photorealistic rendering which exploits the inherent spatial and abstract dimensions in text documents to integrate 3D non-photorealistic rendering with information visualization. The visualization encodes text data onto 3D models, emphasizing the relative significance of words in the text and the physical, real-world relationships between those words. Analytic exploration is supported through a collection of interactive widgets and direct multitouch interaction with the 3D models. We applied our method to analyze a collection of vehicle complaint reports from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), and through a qualitative study, we demonstrate how our system can support tasks such as comparing the reliability of different models, finding interesting facts, and revealing possible causal relations between car parts.enIntegrating Spatial and Non-Spatial DataText VisualizationNon-photorealistic RenderingExploring Entities in Text with Descriptive Non-photorealistic RenderingArticle, Research10.1109/PacificVis.2013.6596122