Dejardins, FrancoisVanOostveen, RolandStokes, Joe2014-03-272022-03-292014-03-272022-03-292011-08-01 Networking sites are being used by post-secondary institutions to engage their prospective and current student populations. The communication that results from these online interactions can be placed within the context of the theory of transactional distance; a widely accepted framework for understanding distance education. This study looked at Facebook wall chat posts on a university moderated Facebook fan or like page over a 2 year period. Chat posts were then categorized by transaction type to fit within a transactional distance model. As a result of the research, it was found that transactional distance can be an acceptable framework for understanding Facebook Communication. By applying properties of transactional distance, moderators of post-secondary Facebook pages can engage further the users who are active within their social networking communities.enTransactional DistanceFacebookSocial network"IS THE UNI FUN?": can transactional distance theory be used as a theoretical framework in understanding the chat content of a university moderated Facebook page?Master's Project