van Oostveen, RolandMnaymneh, Marvin2024-09-032024-09-032024-06-01 study at Ontario Tech University explores the impact of e-learning on nursing students' professional learning, focusing on digital literacy, emotional engagement, and satisfaction. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, the research involved a Basic Demographic Survey (BDS), a Digital Competency Profiler (DCP) survey, and e-learning training sessions. Key findings indicate a positive correlation between satisfaction and perceived efficacy, with valuable and user-friendly e-learning platforms enhancing satisfaction. Emotional engagement, influenced by multimedia elements like videos and simulations, significantly impacted satisfaction. The study underscores the importance of incorporating emotional intelligence into e-learning design, recommending user-friendly, interactive e-learning environments to improve learning outcomes.enE-learningNursing educationEmotional engagementStudent satisfactionEnhancing nursing education: the role of emotional engagement in e-learningMaster's Project