Exploring intrinsic learning in an augmented reality app for adults with autism spectrum disorder

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Adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) display varying levels of social impairment that can manifest as difficulty with communicating, stereotyped behaviour, difficulty starting and maintaining relationships, and inflexible thinking (APA, 2013). The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between learning and technology for adults with autism spectrum disorder. Specifically, to answer the research question: What are the effects of an augmented reality app on the development of intrinsic learning in individuals with ASD? The transportation app was developed by the researcher and was grounded in theories of situated learning, communities, augmented reality, and authentic learning. In order to measure intrinsic learning, an ethnographic case-study was conducted to look at three participant’s experiences with this app when asked to navigate TTC without the app and with the app. Participants completed three questionnaires to assess intrinsic learning as well as participated in a semi-structured interview. Both quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed for instances of intrinsic learning. The participants had different experiences from one another in regards to intrinsic learning, findings suggesting that participants displayed intrinsic learning when using the app. All participants viewed the app with some positivity and, when asked, stated that they would share it with a friend. Future research can improve on the functionality of the app as well as explore its use with other populations.
Situated learning, Autism spectrum disorder, App, Augmented reality, Transit