Experimental investigations of the thermodynamic properties of Nd-C and Ce-C binary systems for TRISO fuel applications

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TRISO fuels are proposed for modular and niche nuclear power reactor technologies, expanding the global nuclear power inventory to meet increasing energy demands through small scale applications. Expansion is dependent upon the improvements to safety through thorough understanding of fission product behaviour, studied and analyzed here using experimental techniques and comparisons to existing literature. Significant knowledge gaps exist in the thermodynamic behaviour of neodymium carbide and cerium carbide fission products that play significant roles in the qualification of TRISO fuels. Thermodynamic investigations of neodymium and cerium carbide isotopic equivalent fission products were performed to improve the knowledge base of TRISO fuels. Various crucible tests, calibrant experimentation, sample generation and sample preparation techniques, and new thermodynamic measurements have been performed. Boron nitride crucibles worked most effectively, providing useful data for comparison to existing literature. Measurements of varying molar compositions of neodymium carbide and cerium carbide provided new data to expand upon predicted phase change boundaries, with experimental phase changes exhibiting comparatively higher transition temperatures.