It gets better? Comparing the experiences of LGB and heterosexual Canadians

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LGBTQ+ individuals are a vulnerable population in Canada. Adolescence, being an important developmental period for identity development, is understood as particularly challenging for LGBTQ+ youths. With heightened rates of suicide for this population, claims like “it gets better” have been used to inspire hope and motivate young queer folks in the transition to adulthood. This thesis examines whether queer people’s lives truly do improve after adolescence. Using a nationally representative secondary data set, this thesis compares the well-being and life satisfaction of queer and non-queer individuals in adolescence, emerging adulthood, and adulthood. Results indicate that, on average, aspects of life do not improve soon after adolescence, and that, for queer participants, life did not improve until after emerging adulthood. This study provides insights into the complex developmental trajectories of queer Canadians and the need for more comprehensive support services in early adulthood.