In pursuit of the good life: masculinity and reintegration

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Successful reintegration is not simply desistance from crime but a fulfilling life without crime. These studies utilize the Good Lives Model (GLM) and masculinity theory to understand barriers or facilitators to reintegration for previously incarcerated men. In Study 1, a sample of 35 previously incarcerated men were utilized to examine whether endorsement of masculine norms and achievement of goods in the GLM were related to perceived reintegration success. Results showed that self-reliance (i.e., reluctance to seek help) and emotional control (i.e., reluctance to share emotions) were negatively related to the achievement of goods in the GLM. In Study 2, 19 participants from Study 1 were interviewed to explore the above themes in greater depth. Barriers and facilitators consistent with Study 1 were observed, with self-reliance and emotional control emerging as key themes. The current studies highlight both positive and potentially problematic conceptions about being a man that could be applied alongside the GLM in reintegrative programming.