Statistics for eScholar

Total visits

A Year in Review: Summary of Activities for the 2023-24 Peer Wellness Education Program at Ontario Tech University 92
A Study of Accessible and Inclusive Virtual and Blended Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for the Federal Public Service and Federally Regulated Industries in Post-COVID-19 Canada 66
Characterizing midair handwriting in virtual reality 57
Examining impact and perceptions: a literature review on instructor feedback strategies and English Language Learners writing performance 49
Dance and vlogs: creating pathways to STEM identity for marginalized girls 48
Drawing back the curtain: a scoping review of backchannel communication use in adult education environments 2001 to 2023 46
Exploring flipped classroom instructional design in health sciences 45
A pilot project to evaluate the ‘CATCH My Breath’ vaping prevention curriculum in Canada: Final Report 42
Exploring the impacts of media use in the classroom and trauma 42
Enhancing early mathematical professional learning with fully online learning communities (FOLC) and collaborative action research 40